Let us understand when learning takes place

Why is it important to understand when learning takes place?

It is important to understand when and how learning takes place because learning is a very delicate process. And most often, learning is very dependent on a range of factors that determine its outcome.

The easiest method to classify the factors that affect when and how learning takes place is by breaking them into internal and external factors that control when learning takes place.

Internal factors that determine when learning takes place

  1. Motivation: The level of motivation a learner has towards the subject or skill being learned can significantly affect the speed and depth of learning. A highly motivated learner is more likely to engage with the material, invest more time, and put in more effort to learn.
  2. Prior knowledge: The existing knowledge and experiences of a learner can affect how they interpret and process new information. A learner with a strong foundation in a subject may find it easier to grasp new concepts and ideas.
  3. Learning style: Different learners have different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. Understanding one’s learning style can help to tailor the learning experience to suit the individual’s needs and preferences.
  4. Cognitive abilities: A learner’s cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills, can affect how they process and retain information.

External factors that determine when learning takes place

  1. Learning environment: The physical and social environment in which learning takes place can affect the learning process. A positive and supportive learning environment can foster engagement, motivation, and better learning outcomes.
  2. Teaching methods: The teaching methods used by instructors can significantly affect the learning process. Effective teaching methods that suit the learners’ needs and preferences can help to increase engagement, retention, and application of knowledge.
  3. Feedback and assessment: Feedback and assessment play an important role in the learning process. Regular feedback and assessments can help learners gauge their progress, identify areas for improvement, and reinforce learning.
  4. Resources: The availability and quality of resources, such as textbooks, online materials, and instructional technology, can impact the learning process. Access to relevant and high-quality resources can support and enhance learning.
Understanding When Actual Learning Takes Place

Understanding both internal and external factors are central to determining when actual learning takes place among learners and it also helps to define optimum learning conditions in which the act of learning and developing thrives.

Even a slight divergence from the most optimum conditions to learn will result in decreased knowledge gain and retention for learners.

Once this delicate process is thrown off, no matter how much efforts or money you pour into the training, it will never yield the same results. Moreover, chances for something to go wrong are very high. This is for three main reasons:

  1. We do not have control over what or how the learner thinks or reacts to the training style, content, subject, and many other learner-related topics.
  2. With the increase in the number of learners, the diverse learning needs of people also increase.
  3. With time and efforts of learners being very limited, it often comes down to learners choosing between learning and other activities. Basically, the need to train and learn is constantly battling against a host of other activities in a learner’s life throughout their day.

The best learning takes place when the intent to learn is encouraged

Well, learning is a constant process. People learn something new with every decision and outcome. However, the quality of learning defers from person to person, and is based on situations.

The best learning takes place in a learning conducive environment where the intent or desire to learn is nourished and promoted.

The intent to learn is a critical factor in determining when learning takes place. When someone is motivated and genuinely interested in learning, they are more likely to engage with the material, retain information, and apply what they have learned in real-world situations.

Encouraging and supporting the intent to learn can take many forms, such as providing access to resources, offering guidance and feedback, and fostering a positive learning environment. Here are some ways in which the best learning takes place when the intent to learn is encouraged and supported:

  1. Increased engagement: When someone is motivated to learn, they are more likely to engage with the material, actively participate in discussions, and ask questions. This level of engagement can lead to a deeper understanding of the material and improved retention.
  2. Improved focus: When someone is genuinely interested in learning, they are more likely to be focused and attentive during the learning process. This focus can help them absorb information more effectively and retain it for longer.
  3. Enhanced creativity: When someone is encouraged to learn, they are more likely to think creatively and come up with new ideas. This creativity can lead to innovative solutions and approaches that can be applied to real-world situations.
  4. Increased confidence: When someone is supported in their learning, they are more likely to feel confident in their abilities and knowledge. This confidence can motivate them to continue learning and applying what they have learned in new situations.

What can you do to ensure that learning takes place?

Encourage learners when they show interest to learn and train

Without any doubts, the best learning takes place when the learners themselves drive the need to learn. When you compare self-driven learning to forced or mandatory learning, there is a clear difference in the outcome which results from the learner’s own excitement and will to learn.

This is the primary reason why eLearning experts from around the world place an emphasis on the need to ‘inform your learners about the importance of the training’. This step is very important. By igniting the spark to learn, you are essentially increasing the success rate of your training by atleast 60%.

There are multiple ways around this challenge. You can market the new training program internally to a point where your learners clearly see the advantage of training. You can also create training programs that are the ‘need-of-the-hour’ and employees cannot afford to miss out on such training.

Understanding When Actual Learning Takes Place

Make the training engaging and not boring or too complex

Training must be engaging. This is because the human mind has an attention span of 8 seconds before it gradually starts deteriorating. And the fleeting attention span can only be caught by engaging learners with high quality and simplified training courses.

When we say high quality, it means clean designs, optimized content and relevant media, engaging interactivities, and clear instructions.

Simplification of the training is another factor to consider when talking about boosting the actual learning process. Why do we rely on trainers? Do we solely rely on them for their knowledge and experience? Do we rely on them for hand holding? Or is it the personal attention they give?

Well, all of these are correct. However, studies indicate that learners tend to find in-person training more comforting for one overarching reason. And that is because learners believe that the presence of a human trainer is important in simplifying complex training. Basically, a trainer can simplify complex topics to the point where everybody can understand.

This is something you need to build into your training as well. Complex training with no simplified versions will just throw your learners off. And a quick way of simplifying your training is by using images, audio, animations, scenarios, interactivities, and more. This is exactly why eLearning is beneficial. It allows learning and development professionals to simplify complex training using a host of media options in tandem with each other.

Understanding When Actual Learning Takes Place

Assist learners in their learning journey

This is another reason why learners feel comfortable in the presence of a physical trainer. Since childhood, most learners are used to being helped by their teachers. This somewhat translates onto adult learners as well. When assisted with training and development, learners tend to learn faster, and the training also sticks with them.

However, corporate employees cannot enjoy the luxury of being assisted by a human trainer throughout their training journey.

Since these learners are expected to train and develop at their own pace while managing regular work, these learners need assistance of a different type.

What they need is access to easy training, mobile training options, a powerful learning management system, some blends of VILT, and top-class eLearning courses.

There are also the added possibilities of Q&A with experts and peer-to-peer problem solving. However these can be addressed using technology as well.

And finally, we have assistance in the form of feedback and improvement goals that are derived from assessments and tests that the learners participate in.

All of these types of assistance together or individually assist the learner in getting better. They comfort learners and give them a sense of belief that even though they learn and develop on their own, there is always some kind of assistance available to them.

Give your learners an opportunity to apply learnt knowledge in the real world

And finally, the ability to apply training to real world challenges immediately is the best way to ensure that training is retained. This is why some training experts believe in just-in-time training which is built to address a learner’s current needs instead of gambling on the possibilities of what their future needs may be.

Just-in-time training works best when training is built keeping rapid eLearning development concepts in mind.

Moreover, to assist with rapid eLearning development, eLearning development experts also have the option to use rapid authoring tools.

Understanding When Actual Learning Takes Place

This is why On the Job Training (OJT) and shadow training are so popular. However, we believe that before an employee is asked to partake in OJT, it is important to brief them about what to expect. Primarily because OJT is also where a lot of accidents can occur especially if learners are not informed in advance about the dangers involved.

Who are we?

We are eNyota Learning. And we have over 15 years of experience in creating custom eLearning-based training used by global corporates. And these corporates train employees along all levels of their organizations. If your organization is interested in building similar courses, reach out to us at contact@enyotalearning.com or click this form. Try our learning management system – Abara LMS to boost how learning takes place at your organization.

Understanding When Actual Learning Takes Place

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