Scenario-Based Learning Development

eLearning is a dynamic and vibrant subject with many associated facets. One such concept within eLearning is scenario-based training.

What Does it Mean to Build Scenarios in eLearning?

Scenario-based training is central to eLearning development as it forms the basis for many training initiatives and is often used to recreate real-world instances in which learners must take real decisions, sometimes under varying levels of stress and duress.

An important facet of eLearning is its ability to provide learners with a safe space to learn. Scenarios are one such area where learning designers can recreate real-world situations and test the responses of learners in a safe and controlled manner. Since the intention of scenarios in eLearning is that of assessing and improving a learner’s response, the process of building scenarios is one of great planning, detailing, with clear objectives.

Scenario-Based Learning

Is Scenario-Based Learning at the Workplace Effective?

Scenarios are also commonly used to recreate instances in which learners may have to interact with their peers or customers. Given the important role that scenarios play in eLearning, it’s of paramount interest that the process of scenario-based eLearning development is carried out after immense research, study, and understanding to increase its success rates.

Many businesses have traditionally relied on scenario-based training to build their learner’s response to a multitude of situations. From people in leadership roles to customer service agents and salespeople, they all often rely on scenario-based training to practice and hone their job roles to a point of perfection. Subjects such as compliance and product training have elements of scenario recreation built into them for maximum impact.

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Dos and Don’ts of Scenario-Based Training

Scenarios take time to think, frame, and execute effectively. They certainly work well to simplify complex situations, but scenarios cannot be included everywhere.

Here are a few tips for building scenario-based training.

The immediate need for scenarios is to assist learners practice outcomes in a safe environment. As scenarios may take time and resources to build, it’s recommended that scenarios be built around situations that are most likely to occur at the workplace.
Details increase the realism of scenario reenactment. Take the time to build in the details and provide learners with enough data, allowing them to recreate and imagine as much of the real-world instance as possible. Detailed scenarios also allow facilitators to collect enough actionable data to analyze outcomes.
Sometimes a single scenario can be used to test an outcome and sometimes multiple scenarios are presented requiring the learners to choose a correct outcome. It’s important to build scenarios with the flexibility to have multiple outcomes. However, trying to recreate every possible scenario is not recommended either.
The idea of building scenarios is to collect data about a learner’s decision based on the information provided during the reenactment of a scenario. Build testing mechanism during the scenario development stage aimed at analyzing the outcome and provide feedback to learners.
Scenario-Based Learning

Instances Where Scenario-Based eLearning Works Well

Historically, many industries use scenario-based training to train workers and improve productivity levels and test critical thinking and decision-making of employees in high stress environments.

Scenario-Based Learning


Compliance courses often use scenarios to test a learner’s decisions based on a set of data points provided and situations created.


Manufacturing businesses often use scenarios to recreate safety and quick response situations. Scenarios are also used to recreate machine operating procedures.

Scenario-Based Learning
Scenario-Based Learning


Mock sales pitching is a form of scenario recreation and has traditionally been used by salespeople to practice their selling skills under various situations.

Customer interactions

Just like sales pitching, customer interactions are practiced in safe environments by customer relation specialists in a bid to maximize their problem-solving and objection handling skills.

Scenario-Based Learning
Scenario-Based Learning

Medical sciences

Doctors use advanced scenario recreation methods to practice early-stage diagnosis, surgery, and treatment. These scenarios range from simple to complex depending on the type of training.


Financial analysts use scenario-based training to practice predicting the stock market and determine alternate course of actions.

Scenario-Based Learning
Scenario-Based Learning

Contact us to Build Scenario-Based eLearning Courses

We understand the intricate nature of building scenarios and the measurement mechanisms needed to analyze the scenario outcomes. We have been at the forefront of scenario-based eLearning development since 2007 and have assisted multiple companies build scenario-based training to train both existing and new employees.

Contact us to know more about how we can assist your business with building its own scenario-based eLearning training.