eLearning as a tool to combat stress may sound conflicting to some. But it can surely be used to combat daily workplace stress, the approach to using it as a stress-combating tool is simple and it stems from a very logical place.

When you think about the concept of eLearning and training, you’ll realize that using eLearning as a tool to solve traditional training problems is already being practiced. eLearning is built using animations, simulations, and media. Rich media in training and development can assist with positive behaviour alteration because it makes training easy to understand. When training is easy to understand, inducing behavioural changes by the method of eLearning content becomes simpler. Are you seeing the picture?

Well, if it sounds confusing, don’t worry, we’ll shed some more light on it.

Using eLearning to Tackle Workplace Stress

Using eLearning’s Media-Based Composition to Battle Stress

We all know that eLearning is all about making training and development engaging. And how do we do that? We use a healthy and logical combination of images, videos, audio, text, and designs to positively capture the attention of learners and bring across points of importance to their immediate attention.

According to a study, the number of YouTube videos streamed every day runs into multi-billions. And surprisingly almost 60% of these videos are either:

  • How-to videos
  • Tutorials
  • Infotainment around topics like history, science, philosophy
  • Product usage videos
  • Upskilling and so on…

Surprising isn’t it? From what we see above, it so appears that most people using YouTube as a stress-busting medium are already consuming some form of training, development, informative, or upskilling-based content! They do not even know it yet!

Ask yourself what YouTube videos did you watch in the last 24 hours? Was it some baking tutorial or was it a product review?

You see, relevant and well-packaged training content is an amazing tool to bust stress. Just think about some work-related training content that is packaged into an engaging eLearning course with lively characters and good designs. Or an interactive eLearning module with challenging options to think about. Even a short 5-minute how-to video on an important topic, if packaged well, can assist learners with alleviating stress!

Using the Power of Training to Positively Alter Minds

We saw how eLearning itself can be used to alleviate stress at the workplace. But what about using eLearning to teach people to alleviate stress? That’s right! Take two minutes off right now to go study the art of desk meditation. Did you even know about it? No? Well, now you do!

And informing you about the existence of desk meditation is comparable to scratching the surface. There is a whole sub-industry within the training and development industry that caters to mental well-being, anxiety management, stress alleviation, mood jogging, and wellbeing.

Some organizations may need more training on how to alleviate stress instead of endlessly upskilling their employees. Why? Because knowingly or even inadvertently, their employees are currently overworked and stressed. A decent 15-minute mandatory break to access a stress alleviating-based training can go a long way in stopping employees from burning out which could result in resentment towards their workplace, unproductive days, and even exiting the organization.

eLearning and training cover a broad spectrum of everything. Do not limit yourself to using eLearning for only the most boring parts. It is an amazing tool to assist with some much needed mind-altering activities as well, so go ahead and test it.

Lack of Training Certainly Results in Workplace Stress

Well, no surprises here. Most of the stress at the workplace is a result of uninformed employees frantically looking for a way to make sense of their role at the workplace. They are either not briefed on how the new work environment functions or are clueless about what gets the ball rolling. And so, there is nothing they can do but overwork themselves, resulting in earlier than normal burnouts.

On the other hand, just a little bit of reinforcement in the form of training, onboarding, and process explaining can go a long way in stopping your employees from stressing.

Most managers and team leaders are not even aware of how stressful the lack of information is to employees. An unassuming employee may confuse the lack of information for their own inadequateness and set about on a non-directional and fruitless journey in hopes of betterment which results in further disappointment and aggravated stress and even depression.

Why add to the stress of your employees by leaving them clueless when all it takes is a little bit of guidance in the form of training and development?

What do You Need to Do?

Think about what is affecting your employees. Are they overworked? Are they uninformed? Have you done your due diligence of providing them with information and training?

Times are tough right now and it is your responsibility to help employees relieve some stress by providing the right training at the right time in the right format. Give them the training they need so their stress levels are reduced because they are better informed. The current remote work environment already demands a lot from many of your employees so the better they feel mentally, the more equipped they are to perform their responsibilities.

You can reach us at contact@enyotalearning.com or fill this call-back form to get in touch with one of our experts. We’ll assist you with building an eLearning program to build a culture of learning and development. Try our learning management system here – Abara LMS.

You Can Use eLearning to Tackle Workplace Stress

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