Just-in-Time Learning at the Workplace

Do your learning solutions take too long to develop and implement? Then, Just-In-Time learning is a solution to improve your training approach.

Just-in-Time Learning at Your Workplace

What is Just-in-Time Learning?

JIT learning is short for Just-in-Time learning. In a fast-paced world where learners can access almost any training at their will. JIT learning is a term that defines this phenomenon.

Whether it be training on the mobile phone or on a desktop, training seems to be easily present and always available as the need for it arises. As more L&D teams realize that long training development cycles may not always be needed, JIT learning is a concept that most started looking into.

However, JIT learning does not solely define the phenomena of always-available, easy-to-access, or easy-to-find training. The other side to JIT learning is Just-In-Time training. Both concepts are two sides of the same coin. While JIT learning focusses on easily accessible training for learners, JIT training talks about making such training easily available for learners from the trainer’s point of view.

Simply put, JIT training talks about how trainers should develop and implement training when the need for training is hot and learners need it most. As a result, if the L&D team assesses and presents learners with training on time, they directly assist the JIT learning phenomena.

Just-in-Time Learning at Your Workplace

Benefits of Just-in-Time Learning at Your Workplace

So, JIT learning means anybody can access any training necessary for their development. This training is freely available online, supported by mobile learning and bite-sized training, and is always accessible.

However, when we talk about your organization, its training needs, and the availability of training content that is unique to it, the JIT learning concept may appear elusive.

What we mean is that the training needed for a software that your organization uses may easily be available online.

But does that training take into account your organization’s unique use-case for the same software? Or, what are the chances of finding such unique training free of cost? Moreover, if your organization is ready to pay for this online training, will it prove to be financially feasible to buy the course for all your employees?

Providing in-house training content is better for your employees and your organization. However, is it of any use if the training reaches your employees after the need for it has passed? This is where JIT learning makes most sense and also presents better benefits to your organization in the long run.

Just-in-Time learning at the workplace takes on a slightly increased role as compared to regular training because training is now developed at the very moment that the need for training arises. As compared to regular training where the training arrives much after the need arises because of the extensive planning and development period.

Benefits of Just-in-Time Learning

Just-in-Time Learning at Your Workplace

Performance Support Training

Monitoring an employee’s performance is something that most organizations do. However, how often do organizations use this data to devise training plans to bridge an employee’s performance gap when they spot one? Providing feedback maybe an instant action, but providing instant training? How feasible is it?

As L&D professionals studied this need, the importance of JIT training became clearer. L&D professionals realized that in the real world, knowledge or skill gaps once identified, need immediate training. And so, if an organization uses the concept of JIT training to bridge gaps in an employee’s performance, the chances of succeeding in turning the employee into an all-rounded workforce is much higher.

Training to Support Current Needs

Not every training need surfaces in advance. Some training needs appear at the very last moment. JIT training accounts for this.

The learning objective of an important and sudden need is always pressed for time. L&D professionals cannot take too long by planning an extensive training routine that takes too long to design and implement.

In such cases, a quick to design and easy to implement training routine is needed, which is what JIT Training specializes at.

Short Development and Update Periods

As the training needs are almost immediate, the development periods are short. Time is a valuable asset when designing JIT training, so subject matter experts design the training in a way that it can be easily updated in the future with minimal efforts.

A short development and easy update duration is very helpful when new training needs appear along the way in the future.

Accessible Training

JIT learning is as much about making training accessible as it is about making training relevant to your current needs. By accessible training, we mean training that is available on mobile devices and subsequently online where employees find it most easy to access.

A good learning management system also assists with accessibility. Employees can access training from their homes or even use the social learning feature to get answers from their peers.

Improved Outputs

The biggest advantage of JIT learning is that it gives you the best possible output because the training is delivered at the exact point that the training is most needed. As a result, employees who receive this training when the need is hot can instantly improve their output. Moreover, by combining the action of learning and implementing your learning immediately, learners can retain more than they usually would. 

Just-in-Time Learning Best Practices

Assess Your Learner’s Needs in Advance

The best way to approach JIT training is by trying to assess your employee’s future training needs in advance. This way your training is ready right when the need arises or is already ready-to-go and waiting for when the need arises.

Keep the Development Process Simple

JIT training is about the speed at which training is provided to learners in need. Hence, keep the development periods short and easily achievable.

Adjust for Future Updates

Needs can recede as fast as they appear. It’s important to plan for future needs and make space for adjustments as new needs arise.

Use Rapid Authoring

Rapid authoring tools allow you to quickly put together training modules. Most of these tools work on the concept of readymade templates and slide-based eLearning, so use them to your advantage.

Information Density to be at Medium

Keep your training content short and to-the-point. Forcing any other content upon learners will add to the information density and adversely affect learners. Any bit of information that can be avoided, must be avoided.

Can eNyota Learning Help You?

In conclusion, Just-In-Time learning is a powerful tool that organizations can use to support their employees and create a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced business environment. Whether it’s up-skilling existing employees, or attracting new talent, JIT learning is a key factor in the success of any organization.

It may so happen that the JIT training your organization needs to build is on a very large scale. Or it could also be that the training you need to be build must be quick, but highly engaging and following the best design principles. In such cases, it is best to approach training and development design professionals like us!

We often assist training companies and organizations to develop JIT training content for hot needs and quick projects. To know more, reach us at contact@enyotalearning.com or click here to reach us!

We have a solution for all needs!

Just-in-Time Learning at Your Workplace

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