Employee Behavioural Training Solutions

The Definition of Behavioural Training

Behaviour skills training (BST) or simply called behaviour training is a learner response development model. It focusses on shaping the learner’s mindset to accept changes and respond in the most appropriate manner.

Some employees may display behavioural tendencies that are unacceptable at the workplace.

In such cases, organizations need to positively educate employees about the situation and thus change their response from what it usually is.

In essence, learning is the modification of behaviour through experience and training. To encourage learning, a system of models must be implemented with rehearsal and feedback mechanisms. It ensures that positive behavioural change is easily achieved.

Why is behavioural training important when discussing change management and coping?

Research indicates that employees display negative or regressive behavioural traits when coping with change that they perceive as threatening. As a result, behaviour management training is necessary to help employees understand the need for change and prepare better responses for similar changes in the future.

Coping is a learner’s will to adapt and thrive through change. Coping can quickly turn into a positive or negative response based on mental health and support that employees receive during the phase of change.

Even the most basic form of training in the form of online courses with no classroom management can help learners to develop the right mindset as long as the training intent is clear.

What are the best type of behaviour management strategies and hacks?

Behavioural skills training and management strategies are very dependent on one primary aspect called experiential learning.

Whether it is developing interpersonal skills or managing behaviour fluctuations or even assist with developing a mindset for professional development, experiential learning is one of the best strategies to assist with managing challenging behaviour and disruptive behaviour.

How does experiential learning help and what does it comprise?

As the name suggests, experiential learning tries to create concrete experiences in the lives of your learners with the aim to positively impact the mindset and behaviour of learners.

Simulated experiences leave a positive and lasting image in the minds of the learners through the right feelings.

Some concepts that are a part of the experiential learning process


Role-play is a team-based experiential learning activity. Here, simulation assesses the beahviour of team members. Learners fulfill certain roles. This could even be the role of a customer. The idea is to help learners understand the dispositions of the various roles they play under varying circumstances and learn the best way to respond to other people who may be in similar roles during real-life interactions.

Basically, the best way to change an employee’s attitude or behaviour towards customers or even their leaders is by placing them in the target’s position and letting them learn first-hand what it takes to play that role in real life.


Simulations can be considered to be a slightly more advanced form of role play with a major focus on recreating environments within which the role play occurs. The focus here is to not understand the role that a person plays. Rather it is the study of the role that a person’s surrounding plays.

Simulation helps people learn to cope with stress. As, a simulations is a test-environment.

Obviously, a simulation is a safe-learning environment for employees. However, it is the closest to recreating actual scenarios that can help learners develop the right behavioural responses.

Game-Based Learning

Game-based learning is conducted in a competitive environment and is perfect to assist with developing positive competitive behaviour and sportsmanship. The training process can encapsulate both role-play and simulations albeit in a competitive manner against one another.

Watching teammates and peers adapt to changing situations and new challenges, all while learners themselves attempt to adapt and thrive, shines a brighter and better light on areas where learners can immediately implement behavioural changes to succeed in a competitive environment.

Case Studies

Just like game-based learning, case studies provide learners with the chance to observe what others have implemented to achieve specific results and solve challenges. However, it is more relaxed as compared to any of the other training methods.

Case studies are more of a theoretical approach towards experiential learning. It allows learners to introspect and look for patterns in other’s success stories. Case studies are a great option for when budgets are low and training needs are high.

They are equally great when the time to build training is low. But the need to develop a positive behaviour change is urgent.

On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job Training is a practical and real-world format of experiential learning. There is no doubt that the benefit of on-the-job training is great. But, it involves working in a real environment where mistakes can cost. As a result, it is should be conducted wisely.

In fact, there are chances of a employees developing negative behavioural trait as a result of a failed on-the-job experience. In all likeliness, the traumatizing experience could have been caused by the inexperience of the learner to begin with in the first place.

A good example of this is a production line worker who meets with an unfortunate accident while working on an actual production line. Such an accident can cause permanent irreversible behavioural changes that no amount of training can resolve. Hence, simulations allow people to develop positive traits.

How can we help with your behavioural training initiatives?

Whether it is a role-playing course or a simulation-based training program, ensuring that the course effectively communicates the type of behaviour change employees should adopt is very important. Our training sessions are custom-built based on your requirements. To know more about what we offer our global clients, reach out to us by filling this contact form or get in touch with us at contact@enyotalearning.com. Try Abara LMS – our award winning learning management system!

Employee Behavioural Training Solutions

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